Leadville Community Health Foundation
Supporting Healthcare in Leadville & Lake County, Colorado
Formerly the St. Vincent Hospital Foundation

Our Mission
Through service, outreach, and development, the Leadville Community Health Foundation promotes and sustains the highest level of healthcare for Lake County and our community by supporting the programs and services of St. Vincent Health.
Our Organization
The Leadville Community Health Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit fundraising organization that invests in the important work, programs, and infrastructure of St. Vincent Health and the communities of Leadville and Twin Lakes. Its staff and volunteer leadership strive to carry on the hospital’s long history of caring for the community since 1879.
Why Give?
Individual, corporate, civic, and nonprofit gifts allow us to continue making progress toward a better tomorrow—and provide equipment and services that may one day help you, your family, your friends and neighbors. Your tax-deductible gift combines with grant funds and other sources to enable us to continue to improve our facility, and ultimately support community health.
2023/2024 Priorities
The new modern hospital opened in 2021 bringing surgical services back on site enabling general surgery and many other procedures to take place locally. We are thankful to our donors and funders who helped make this $24 million dream come true!
Now looking forward, our fundraising focus has turned to a new 4×4 Dodge ambulance along with its supporting equipment which will be delivered in 2023. We are currently taking donations and writing grants for this $350,000 project.
The St. Vincent Health ambulance department runs two crews 24/7; primary and secondary crews of 2 first responders each. We serve all of Lake County, Colorado, answering 100% of medical 911 calls. Lake County is approximately 400 square miles and has a population of 8,000. In the summer the population swells by approximately 30% with recreation enthusiasts and tourists flocking to the mountains.
The need for this project is to ensure reliable vehicles and equipment for the only 911 response ambulance service in Lake County, Colorado. As an embedded ambulance service at St. Vincent, our service responds to 911 medical, traffic accidents, gas leaks, wildland fire calls, and other trauma calls.
When Leadville Lake County Fire and Rescue (LLCFR) completes the southern fire station in 2023, SVH will provide an ambulance crew and one ambulance to be in residence at the station 24/7. For the first time ever the response times to traumas in Lake County will be reduced by approximately 20 minutes. Additionally, we will be closer to many wildland deployments with LLCFR.
Make a Gift Today
Specified & Non-Specified Gifts
Make a gift toward our ambulance and equipment, or make a general gift, to be applied to the area of greatest need.
Donate online through our Caring for Colorado portal:
Send a check: If you prefer, you may mail your donation to Leadville Community Health
Foundation at 822 W. 4th St. Leadville, CO 80461, or physically drop it off at the hospital.
Email leadvillehealthfoundation@gmail.com to learn more.